The Sunnah Medicine Institute presents:
Online Certificate Course in:
 Vaccine Detox and Side Effect Prevention with Hijama & Holistic Medicine

Course is open for new enrolments

This course is now open again for new enrolments and will remain open until the 31st October or until quotas are filled.

Course Duration: 10 Hours theory plus case studies and assessment.

Cost: $179
Enrolment closes in:

Upon completion and assessment, each course participant will receive a certificate (sample above) from the Sunnah Medicine Institute to validate their qualification as a Certified Vaccine Detox Therapist.

Hakim Dr Abu Abdurrahman

Dr Abu Abdurrahman has been practicing and teaching Islamic Medicine, Hijama & Various Natural Medicine Modalities for over 20 years. He has thousands of students worldwide and regularly lectures at a number of universities and medical colleges on natural medicine topics from Advanced Acupuncture techniques to Zinc hypersupplementation strategies. He has also authored a number of books on various topics within the alternative and complementary medicine field. 

From his experience with hundreds of vaccine cases he has developed a unique holistic protocol to help prevent vaccine side effects based on each individuals unique temperament, state of health, age and other factors. 

The protocol adopts the use of specific dietary therapies, nutritional supplementation, herbal medication and sunnah therapies (including hijama). 

He will be teaching this protocol in detail to course attendees in this 10 hour session after which participants will be able to confidently assist and support those who have made the choice or forced to vaccinate.
What You're Going To Learn
  • Understanding & Predicting vaccine side effects - How to identify risk factors and possible side effects based on the patients temperament and state of health, and the pathophysiology behind this.
  • Detox and side effect prevention strategies  - How to prescribe the most effective strategy for each individual patient.
  • Detox Dietary therapy and Anti-Oxidant Nutritional supplementation - Vaccine detox diets and specific supplements to prevent side effects.
  • Effective Hijama Protocols  - Where, when, how much blood to remove and how often to administer Hijama based on the time of vaccination and other factors.
  • Adjunctive therapies  - Additional therapies to employ for detox and side effect prevention including acupuncture, laser therapy etc.

Detailed Course curriculum

  •  Understanding the virus and disease process: An in depth explanation of the viral pathogenic process from the point of view of Islamic medicine and the body's 3 layer defense system
  • Vaccine side effects and anaphylaxis: Analysis of why side effects occur, which organs and pathologic processes are involved and how to prevent it
  • Body constitution and temperament: Description of temperaments and what each is predisposed to in order to apply an individualised prevention strategy
  • ​Interaction of lunar phases, circadian rhythms, age and other factors on vaccine date selection
  • Pre vaccine dietary therapy and preventive herbal therapy: Training in protocols for the pre-vaccination period
  • ​Immediate post vaccine protocol: Training in protocols for the immediate post vaccine period to 6 days
  • Post vaccine preventive protocol: Training in protocols for 7 to 39 days post vaccination
  • Long term adverse effects: Discussion on long term vaccination effects and management
Seats in this course are limited and this enrolment page will be deactivated once the course is full. Applicants must have been trained in and already practicing Hijama and/or another health modality.

Certificates will be issued on completion of the course material and assessment.

Note: This course is not open to members of the public
Copyright 2021. The Sunnah Medicine Institute. Sydney, Australia
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